Waiting for build to start...
Picked Git content provider.
Cloning into '/tmp/repo2dockerc22nx2z_'...
HEAD is now at 645f5a0 Pin scipy
Using DockerBuildPack builder
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 ERROR: failed to prepare as 5f5i2br3kvurxl0lja70bqftf: mkdir /var/lib/docker
/overlay2/5f5i2br3kvurxl0lja70bqftf: no space left on device
> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile:
ERROR: failed to solve: ResourceExhausted: ResourceExhausted: ResourceExhausted:
failed to read dockerfile: failed to prepare as 5f5i2br3kvurxl0lja70bqftf: mkd
ir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/5f5i2br3kvurxl0lja70bqftf: no space left on device
Error during build: Command '['docker', 'buildx', 'build', '--progress', 'plain'
, '--push', '--build-arg', 'NB_USER=jovyan', '--build-arg', 'NB_UID=1000', '--fi
le', 'Dockerfile', '--tag', 'gesiscss/binder-r2d-g5b5b759-facaiy-2dgym-04b3e8:64
5f5a0758204e3ed28a7329ce05eddb03dfc4f7', '--label', 'repo2docker.version=2024.07
.0+159.gd0ddd2e', '--label', 'repo2docker.repo=https://github.com/facaiy/gym', '
--label', 'repo2docker.ref=645f5a0758204e3ed28a7329ce05eddb03dfc4f7', '--platfor
m', 'linux/amd64', '/tmp/repo2dockerc22nx2z_']' returned non-zero exit status 1.